Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Subbing Life Update...

Well, so far I have subbed grades K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, & 7.  I am working on subbing every grade so I can really figure it all out and see each level and stage of each child's life so I can figure this whole teaching thing out!  Kindergartners were very sweet!  Of course, since I can only do grades 4-8 I need to focus on those grades.  I absolutely loved 4th grade (maybe I just had a very good class) but they were awesome!  I also loved 7th grade.  6th grade, on the other hand, was a little difficult.  That is a crazy stage in life!  I am subbing high school this Friday....a little nervous about that! :/  Let you know how it goes! :)

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