Monday, November 29, 2010

Book Talk

The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton
I was subbing for a couple days in the same 7th grade classroom and we got to read this book together.  It was very good  It's the story of a 14-year-old boy, named Ponyboy, who has orphaned.  He lives on the East Side (lower class side of the town) and is in a gang called the Greasers.  Ponyboy and his older brother Darrel keep the family together and experience many trials and conflicts together.  The Greasers are constantly set against the Socials (upper class) who enjoy drinking, driving nice cars, and beating up the Greasers.  All of this results in the deaths of three teens.  This book is great and I encourage all of you to read it to see what else happens!

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