Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Reflection on my blog life...

Well, my classes are ending and the year is also coming to a close.  I have to admit, when I first found out that I had to do a blog I was terrified!  I had no clue how to make one and I thought it would be pretty hard since I didn't have a job.  I had no clue what I would write about!  Turns out, it was simple to make and actually kind of fun! I got to talk about anything I wanted, and I had some stories from subbing! :)  I have really learned a lot during my MAT experience.  I know now that I want to have a blog and a website when I do have a job and I have learned how to make both in my MAT classes...something I never thought would happen!  I am so proud of myself and can't wait to share what I have learned with my students and their parents!

Cool website!

I found this website that makes measurement worksheets and it's really neat!


Monday, November 29, 2010

My precious baby!

I have been wanting to post a picture of my sweet baby Bella!  I talked about her in my profile information, so here she is....my pride and joy! :)

My MAT program classes are coming to a close....

Well, I'm working on some of my last assignments in my MAT classes (minus the Internship) and it's a little sad!  It went by so fast!  I loved how we got to know everyone so fast and made such great friends!  We have become so close that we have little get-togethers and parties and enjoy each others company!  I know that I have made life-long friends.  :) tear.  I'm so happy I chose this MAT program and I look forward to many more memories in the future with my new friends!

I ran across this activity online and I thought it was such a good idea.  Since 9/11, it seems like so many bad things happen all around us.  It is such a great idea for our kids to get to talk about these things.  Whether it be global things that are bothering them, or things that are happening locally.  The kids need to voice these problems and a lot of times need someone to listen.

Listening Circles
When upsetting events happen in the world (such as war and terrorism), they arouse strong feelings in many of us--sadness, anger, fear, confusion, worry. We tend to carry these feelings around with us through the day, at work or at school.
Young people of all ages, as well as adults, may find a "listening circle" helpful. Listening circles give people a chance to say what they are thinking and feeling and can help engender mutual understanding and support among people in stressful times.
The format is simple. Create a circle consisting of about six people. Each person in the circle has three to five minutes to say whatever is on their minds about events of the day. When one person is speaking, the others in the group pay good attention but don't comment. The circle is over after every person has had a chance to speak. Participation should be completely voluntary, and what people say in the circle should be kept confidential.
In especially difficult times, consider organizing a brief listening circle every day or every week--for young people or adults.

Book Talk

The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton
I was subbing for a couple days in the same 7th grade classroom and we got to read this book together.  It was very good  It's the story of a 14-year-old boy, named Ponyboy, who has orphaned.  He lives on the East Side (lower class side of the town) and is in a gang called the Greasers.  Ponyboy and his older brother Darrel keep the family together and experience many trials and conflicts together.  The Greasers are constantly set against the Socials (upper class) who enjoy drinking, driving nice cars, and beating up the Greasers.  All of this results in the deaths of three teens.  This book is great and I encourage all of you to read it to see what else happens!

Back from Thanksgiving Break!

Well, my family & I had a very eventful Thanksgiving Break, and they weren't very fun events.  My mamaw (my dad's mom) passed away at age 83.  We will miss her very much!  Then my dad had to have a minor surgery a couple days later.  So, it was rough but we will always cherish our time together!  Losing mamaw also makes me realize how you can NEVER take our time with our family for granted.  She was a beautiful woman inside and out, but now is in a better place and that's what I have to keep thinking about!  Love her so much!  Glad my dad also did very well in recovery.